
The framework is made of three libraries:

  • xeus: The core implementation of the Jupyter protocol

  • xeus-zmq: A library to author kernels that run in dedicated processes

  • xeus-lite: A library to author kernels that run in the browser

Both xeus-zmq and xeus-lite depend on xeus.

Installing xeus-zmq

With Mamba or Conda

xeus and xeus-zmq have been packaged on all platforms for the mamba (or conda) package manager.

mamba install xeus-zmq -c conda-forge

From Source

xeus depends on the following libraries:
xeus-zmq depends on the following libraries:

On linux platforms, xeus also requires libuuid, which is available in all linux distributions.

We have packaged all these dependencies on conda-forge. The simplest way to install them is to run:

mamba install cmake zeromq cppzmq OpenSSL xtl nlohmann_json -c conda-forge

On Linux platform, you will also need:

mamba install libuuid -c conda-forge

Once you have installed the dependencies, you can build and install xeus:

cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .
make install

You can then build and install xeus-zmq:

cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
make install

Installing the Dependencies from Source

The dependencies can also be installed from source. Simply clone the directories and run the following cmake and make instructions.

  • libzmq

make install
  • cppzmq

cppzmq is a header only library:

cmake -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .
make install
  • OpenSSL

OpenSSL has been packaged for most platforms and package manager. It should generally not be required for the user to build it.

  • nlohmann_json

nlohmann_json is a header only library:

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .
make install
  • xtl

xtl is a header only library:

cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release .
make install

Installing xeus-lite